Call of Duty Mobile


Andrew | 37 years old

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To have fun make friends and enjoy some competitive play with regular teammates

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I am a 34 yr old stay at home dad. Currently lots of free time. Looking to join a team that plays between 9:00 am and 12:00 am PST. My preferred weapons are SMG’s followed by assault rifles, I do like melee weapons as well. my three favorite kill streaks are UAV sentry gun and VTOL. depending on my load out I will play either an aggressive and quick style or a more reclusive post up style with defense. I prefer to play multiplayer but will play battle royale if needed my current KD for multiplayer is 4.8 and my KD for battle royale is 2.2 with an accuracy of 48%. I prefer to play with a DualShock 4 controller on an iPhone 8 Plus. I realize a lot of tournaments require you to use the haptic feedback touchscreen controls , and I am proficient with these controls as well


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