Call of Duty Mobile


Gage McKnight | 22 years old

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I want to ply for a professional COD Mobile team. And help lead my team to a perfect season.

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I’ve been playing COD Mobile since it was released, but I was a critical ops player for a long time before that. I played close everyday all 4 years of highschool and was ranked as special ops(the top rank) for a long time. After getting bored of Critical Ops during my junior year, I got rid of it for about a month. Then one of my friends told me to try COD Mobile. I instantly fell in love with it. I liked how fast paced it was, and how I could pull off insane clutches with the faster movement and more understanding gun accuracy. I reached the top of Master rank last year, but with school being a big part of my life, I couldn’t play as much. Now, I have been able to play everyday since the summer of 2020 and I am back to where I once was. Eager to find a more competitive way to play.


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