Call Of Duty : Modern Warfare 3

YITG Vort3x

Cole | 22 years old

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My only ambition is to be apart of a team that has the same drive/passion as I do. I want to be able to make great friends while succeeding in the game that we all have a love for.

online experience

  • Gamebattles

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


Hello, my name is Cole and I love to play video games. I have been playing everything for about 10 years now and have never not had the love for a game such as many of the people on this website. I have only been taking my gaming seriously for about 2 months now, I have been training everyday for a chance to prove myself. I may not be the best player anyone has seen or even the smartest but I am 100% guaranteeing you I will be a dedicated hard working member for whatever role/position I am put in. I am willing to go the farther than any of my competitors for the win and you can see that when you meet me.


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