Call of Duty: Modern Warfare


Jacob Hewitt | 20 years old

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To grow my YouTube channel, my Professional profile, as a player, and have fun doing all of this.

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I have played Call of Duty since the original modern warfares and Black ops. I’m good on sniping and actual guns obviously but my experience has been with almost every call of duty made and I’m definitely an asset. I can clutch out games when they’re on the line I don’t let pressure get to me. I’m on almost everyday grinding and want to be able to learn a bit more and hopefully grow my YouTube channel from the almost 200 subs I have rn and possibly make it pro if I can. My dream has always been to play pro and make it big on YouTube and I think this team can help me do that. I’m 16 and it’s about summer so I’ll be grinding. Call of Duty has always been something I’ve loved and been good at so if I get my shot to take it to the next level I will. I’ve competed in tournaments for different games and done pretty good before so I hope I could grow with this team.


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