Call of Duty: Modern Warfare


Mr.O | 41 years old

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I really dont have any. I just want to test this out, see if it is something for me.

If the I and the correct team meet up, we might achive something huge, perhaps we could do well in some contests even.

Would be fun to win something in life for once :)

online experience

  • No experiences yet

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


High+ / Pro (that I classify my self in)

I am from Norway, never been involved in esport.
As I write above, I am from Norway, and I have never been involved in a esport team.

In the 90's I was playing QuakeWorld and was rocking that like a champion.
(I drop COD in the second QuakeWorld comes back refurbished and with alot of players, cause that is the moste high speed and fun game ive ever played)

I have been playing FPS games since the beginning of FPS games, yeah I am that old!
I know I am not the best in the game alone, but with a solid team I know we can go on to take on the big boys.
Cause Ive got skills.

I might be alot older than the other players in esport, but who cares, its the skill and behaveor that matters.
(I dont stand people that whine and joke during playing, I take playing seriously, but I still enjoy it very much)
Not saying that I dont tolerate joking at all, but during practice or a real match, I would not accept or allow anyone to breake the seriousness.

Not sure what you guys mean with online and offline experience?
But I answer that here:

Online Experience: (take it that there is games ive played?)
Counter Strike (never enjoyed or liked that game)
Red Alert series
World of Warcraft, started a guild there that I no longer are part of, but that guild is one of EU-Khadgars best guilds now.
It's named "Fairytale".
DayZ standalone
Call of Duty, all games exept the two last ones before Modern Warfare 2019.
Apex Legends (ok game, not my favouritte)

Cause of my economical sittuation, I have not bought that many new games lately.

Offline Experience?
Not sure at all what you mean by that, is that my social life?
I wont share my social life here and now.
If it means offline games, Ive played very little of those.
I love online multiplayer.

I was also not sure if I was going to click on the: "Are you willing to participate to expenses of your future team ?"
Cause of my economic sittuation. But if the team that want's me to join do well, and we as a team earn money in competitions, then I would gladly help out with the expenses taken of the price money.

When it comes to egames I am a noob, I have no clue what you guys are doing, but I admire it.

Contact me for my discord username


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