Call of Duty: Modern Warfare


Bubble Bones | 20 years old

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I'm not looking to make money (although a payed tournament would be a dream) I'm just looking to have a team to play with competitively.

Also I want to grind out gold on every gun, I already have it on the AS VAL

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I've been playing CoD since Black ops 1 when I was a wee little child, I've loved every second of it, from Black ops to Modern Warfare 2 and then I stopped playing for awhile until Advanced Warfare came out and then my interest was reignited, I never played online because I couldn't afford internet at the time but I played all the time with my freinds at lan parties. I stopped playing videogames altogether for a while and then I picked up Modern Warfare 2019 and all of the memories came rushing back, I replayed all of the past games on my Xbox 360 that I out in my attic and forgot about. Now it's present day and I have about 26 hours in Modern Warfare 2019 and I'm nowhere near as good as I was but I practice almost every day to become better, at the time of writing this on 4/13/21 I have about 1,700 kills with a 0.93 K/D. I'm not very impressive or skilled but I have potential and a love for the game.


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