Call of Duty: Modern Warfare


john Castiblanco | 24 years old

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My ambitions are to meet great players, make good friends, be able to join a team. My one true ambition is to make my father proud of what I'm doing in making his last name well known.

online experience

  • entering tournaments

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


My name is cosmic, I am an up-and-coming streamer. I've wanted to play competitive games on a team since I held a Ps vita in 2011. My dream is to make a name for myself, make a team, and honestly have my family proud of me. I have been playing games on ps3, ps4, and through two different PC's since I was just a kid. Now at 21 years old and making a small name for myself on different social media platforms, my dream is in motion but I truly know that I have a long road ahead. I am consistently playing, making videos, always trying to get better. Hopefully my dream happens.


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