Call of Duty: Modern Warfare


Francisco | 24 years old

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Strat caller Strat caller
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LAN Player LAN Player


I want to be known for playing Call of Duty professionally. I also want to grow my Twitch channel by winning tournaments.

online experience

  • Played CS:GO ESEA tournaments.
  • Played a few Warzone tournaments

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


I have a 2.5 K/D and 45 wins on Warzone while playing with Friends who aren't that good, but hey, they're my friends so its okay :).

My K/D on Multiplayer is 1.7.

I've been playing COD for 8+ years (currently 20 years old). I have 1 thousand hours on CS:GO and tried to go Pro when I was 16 but fell short due to me and my teams abilities. However, due to that experience I have amazing game sense and strats. I am usually at the top of the Lobby when I play multiplayer and I usually have the most kills in my squad on Warzone.

I'm trying to join teams, but the players don't show too much potential and have bad game sense. I want a team that can still win a round of S&D after I die. I want to join a competent team!

I hope that I can be an asset to your team and make it better! Hit me up :)


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