Call of Duty: Modern Warfare


itskgkv | 20 years old

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I want to go pro, that might sound stereotypical but it’s been a dream ever since I started playing. I want to work beside a team that genuinely cares for each other and about the game. I wanna work with people so all of us, not just me. Can accomplish our dreams. How could you stop a team that’s chasing there dreams willing to take down anything in their way?

online experience

  • I’ve played on teams before but nothing professional or super serious. It was always under my skill level or not serious enough so i ended up leaving.

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


Hey i’m Tyler but most people call me Kg or kgkv. I’ve been playing video games since i was around 5-6. My first Call of Duty was Black Ops 1. I’ve mainly been a sniper/trickshotter my whole life but in the last couple years i’ve been playing more competitively. I’ve grown to be very good at picking up on new Call of Duty’s. I’ve spent thousands of hours on Call of Duty grinding to be the best i can. I’m almost 17 now and i’m just at my start, i know i can be better with a good team to work with.


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