Call of Duty: Modern Warfare


Dakota Adams | 125 years old

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Hello, my names Dakota Adams.

for those of you who have come here looking to recruit me, welcome, to those of you who are looking because i'm applying for the team, hello tis a pleasure to meet with you. Now being honest i've only been in the esports scene for a short period but i'm currently making this with a friend of mine who used to play pro and taking his suggestion on things to put in. To start same said friend who has played in pro before, i played against him constantly, i'm very competitive and have yet to do anything really to show my skills. So i'd like to join a team, or at least aim to play more consistently as a job, although i do keep myself physically active so i tend to actually be someone who's active during the day time hours, and can usually be pretty reliable for most things, i know that trainings important but if you have a heart attack you can't play. I personally won't be saying anything towards my skills as i feel i'd begin boasting, but i would enjoy the oppurtunity. thank you for taking the time to read.


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