Call of Duty: Modern Warfare


ofcgarrett | N/A years old

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I'm looking to compete in smaller tournament's and become a amateur gamer.

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  • Military Experience


Looking to join a team to practice with and compete with in the upcoming future. I'm new player to competition but have been playing COD for years. I believe that I have what it takes to put in the work and in the near future possibly compete. Im a Veteran of the Army have a understanding of the amount of work that needs to be put in. I'm usually up late grinding out Warzone trying to top by top kills every game. I'm looking to be come a dedicated member of the team and put in the amount of work necessary. Communication is key for me and I believe I have what it takes. I'm a open book and not afraid to admit when I'm wrong or what i need work on. I'm also not afraid to tell someone else what they need to work on and ill be willing to help them achieve whatever that it. I'm goal orientated and I have great hope that whatever team I join they could use me as an asset.


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