Call of Duty: Modern Warfare


Caleb Elkins | 24 years old

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My ambitions include becoming a pro league MLG competitor, along with become a professional content creator on the platforms of YouTube and Twitch.

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Hey there 😁 my name is Caleb, however online I typically go by Realismlive, or Realism for short. My goal is to become a professional call of duty eSports player. To one day play for a great team, participate in the championships I have grown up admiring.
It has been quite a long path for me when it comes to Call of duty. As a young preteen I was exposed to the "Call Of Duty" franchise through the coveted title "Black Ops". It was around that time that I became painfully aware of one thing. I was not good at video games. My aim was everywhere, along with my reaction time being as slow as possible. And over the course of my adventure to adulthood, I saw very little improvement in this
So, after years of dismay at my abilities, come the age of 18. I turned my back on video games. Deciding that money was more necessary, and with no skill in game it would never be worth my time to try to make a career out of it.
And years passed, AAA titles were released, and I grew in many ways I had not accounted for. While chasing after my electrical maintenance aptitude, I was also able to enhance my hand eye coordination and perception skills along the way.
Now I stand here a gamer yet again of two years and counting. I have found my aim however much work is still necessary for me to be pro team worthy... However, I have rediscovered my dream, and with my blood sweat and tears, I will see it to fruition!
In conclusion, I have potential, and in game experience playing for me, however I cannot depend on raw talent. I must depend on hard work, practice, and absolute faith in myself to compete and come out victorious. Sign me and I will be an undeniable asset to you and your squad.


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