Call of Duty: Modern Warfare


Vincent Samaro | 16 years old

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To join a team where I can improve my gaming skills and prove to my mother that there could be a future in gaming...any future.
I want to be noticed by the gaming community as a young teenager and possibly motivate other young teenagers that you do not have to be a football star to be cool.

In Call Of Duty Modern Warfare, my goal is to obtain more golden guns to get to damascus. In Rainbow Six Siege, my goal is to become a more well-rounded player. In NBA 2K21, my goal is to get to Legend Rep.

online experience

  • My Twitch has 1.9k followers

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


My name is Vincent Samaro and I am a stereotypical 13 year old Asian boy who gets straight A's, loves math and all video games.
My favorite games are Call Of Duty Modern Warfare, Rainbow Six Siege, NBA 2K21, and Apex Legends.
COVID - 19 has been bad for my social life but good for my gaming skills.
I have 3 golden guns almost 4 in Call Of Duty Modern Warfare, I am All Star 3 in NBA 2K21, I am level 120-135 in Apex Legends.

I have awesome communication skills and I am very smart because my mom is also Asian.
My eye-hand coordination is on point and capable of making good plays.

Looking forward to joining a awesome Clan!


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