Call of Duty: Modern Warfare


Vlado Petrovic | 20 years old

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Strat caller Strat caller
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Manager Manager


To make gaming a future career of mine and earn money along the way.

online experience

  • 12 years of gaming

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


Hi! I am Vlado "Temp" Petrovic. I am 16 years old from Chicago and I am a professional Valorant/MW/Siege/CSGO player with experience in FaceIt (do not have FaceIt account no more). I am a more of an aggressive player who drops around 25-40 kills in Valorant, with 10 or less deaths. In Modern Warfare I would drop 50 (the least) to 100+ kills in HC with a 1.4 kd. Siege I am very amazing at Ranked only thing I play with a 1.2kd and a 1.4WL. In CS-GO I would drop 20-30 kills in competitive. I am available anytime especially due to the COVID-19 virus. I am great at callouts since yes a lot of people honestly lack that. I am so good with people such as future friends/teammates and I can motivate anybody especially our team to do better during/and after the game, and I always mention what they could have done better :) I am looking to be noticed more and make money along the way. I stream on twitch which if I get support from OUR team/community getting viewers can put more notice on our team/community. Please DM for more info.


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