Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

v MvN

Caleb Munro | 124 years old

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To not only be the best team possible but to hopefully make some good friends and meet some people that are as passionate about CoD eSports as me.

online experience

  • UMG and MLG experience starting in advanced warfare

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


I am a 18 year old player looking to go as far as possible in the CoD pro scene, I first started playing CoD all the way back in WaW and since then have been hooked by it, I first started playing comp CoD back in Advanced Warfare where me and my team got into the top 30 best teams for EU S and D on UMG, Into BLOPS 3 me and my team reached a career high of 5th best EU S and D team for UMG, after Black Ops 3 I left the CoD scene to try my hand at Rainbow Six Seige Comp, I achieved mixed levels of success with three different team over the course of 4 years. My highlight of my time spent in R6 comp was winning a B03 Bomb comp and again being placed 5th best team in the EU on ESL.

With the release of Modern Warfare I have been drawn back to CoD and I am once again looking for a comp team that has high ambitions and skill but is willing to learn and mature with each other and to hopefully go even further and better than I ever have before.


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