Call of Duty: Modern Warfare


Tim Relva | 32 years old

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To be a Pro Gamer, Stream, Father and Marine

online experience

  • Windows OS, Troubleshooting, Networking, Content Creating

offline experience

  • Custom PC Builder, Infantry Marine, 90s Gaming/ Tech


To Whom It May Concern,

This letter is to introduce myself and let you know of my interest in becoming a part of your organization. My gaming abilities are backed up with experiences and knowledge. I assure you that I can successfully fulfill any obligations requiring of any responsibility upon your organization. In each of my previous career experiences, I have performed my assignments with a high degree of skill and professionalism.

My current objective is to obtain a position that will fully utilize my skills and offer an opportunity for continued professional growth. As a Marine I believe in excellence and have always dedicated myself, my talents and my creative abilities to assure the successful accomplishment of any company goals. My positive attitude and willingness to give 150% makes me an asset to any organization that would employ me.

I look forward to hearing from you soon and hopefully to schedule an interview in which I hope to learn more about your company. It’s goals and plans and how I may be able to contribute to its continued success and growth.

Thank you for your time.



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