Call of Duty: Warzone


Brenndan Rogers | 26 years old

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becoming a professional player, having a strong following on social platforms, joining a team/clan and working together towards a common goal

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My name is Brenndan Rogers, I'm am aspiring Call of Duty Warzone player from Massachusetts. I'm currently looking to join and play for an esports team that plays warzone. I've played call of duty and other shooter games for a long time, but in the past year or so I've seen a large jump in my abilities in the game. As a player. I like to play aggressive, and run the point if playing with other players. Obviously, if I was able to join a team I realize I may not be the "leader" but I would gladly play any role on a squad to give us the best chance to win. I do very well in medium to short distance combat, and have a good feel for the game, along with good decision making during gun fights. I would love to join any and all teams that would consider me, and would gladly go through any sort of tryout or recruitment process to make that happen!


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