Call of Duty: Warzone


Whaleon Hodge | 20 years old

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I have a strong desire when it comes to winning. my motto is by any means. That means if i have to stay up long hours, getting better, than i will. I want me and whatever team i play with to make it to the top and succeed by any means.

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I'm a gamer who wants to do more than play games for fun and with nobody. I want a drive to get up and play a game. I want to be apart of a team that we strive to make each other better and win everyday. I'm willing to put in long hours to be the best i can be. i want to win in life and in game always. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to help my team win. P.S I'm a very funny and cool guy to play with, if someone makes a mistake I don't yell and make fun of a person, I motivate to help them not make a mistake again.


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