Call of Duty: Warzone

Dylan Borah

Dylan Borah | 23 years old

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My ambitions are.
1: To get a chance to be on a team
2: To get really good and dedicated my time to be the best teammate I can be
3: To get into little events and win with my team
4: To eventually get great and go pro with a team and win big
5: If I get the chance to win I would help my family
6: After I treat my family then I will treat myself

online experience

  • Call of Dutys since black ops 1
  • Mortal Kombat XL
  • Smite
  • Forzas
  • Battlefield

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


Hi My name is Dylan I am 19, in a relationship. I work full time in construction/Remodeling, 40+ hours a week. I'm a big gamer and I play a little bit of everything such as RPG, FPS, Indie, Casual, and Racing. But i could say FPS is more of my strong suit and currently COD Modern Warfare/Warzone is what I have been playing a lot, I've always been in to Call of Duty and the games always catch my attention. But to wrap up I am a happy polite gamer who is looking for a chance to live my dream.


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