Call of Duty: Warzone


Adi | 3 years old

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Squad Squad


I want to improve my KD to 3+. I want to achieve a goal number of rebirth wins, and ideally my final goal is to drop the console record of kills on Rebirth.

online experience

  • Call of Duty Warzone: Verdansk
  • Call of Duty Warzone: Rebirth
  • Modern Warfare
  • Cold War Ranked Multiplayer
  • Black Ops 4, 3, 2, 1
  • Modern Warfare 2

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


Used to play Call of Duty casually as Warzone released around March of 2020, but have been a massive Call of Duty beginning with Modern Warfare 2. As the Covid Pandemic took shape, I used it as a time to really grind out my skills, improve squad communication and become an overall better player. As a Playstation 5 Player, it's often hard to find clan opportunities but I am loyal and will stick to my platform. As a player presently, I can safely say that I have improved in movement, gun skill, and in-game IQ. Playing rebirth primarily, I have a 1.79 KD in the mode and continue to improve it every game, dropping double digits almost 90% of the time nowadays. Additionally, I stay on top of my Warzone IQ by constantly watching for in-game changes such as new META's and minor buffs/nerfs to some of our weapon favourites. To me, this opportunity would be invaluable in furthering my career as a COD player. I've always been a team first player and want to continuously improve on this very skill. This opportunity would provide me with that necessary leverage to do so.


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