Call of Duty: Warzone


Jake | 24 years old

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online experience

  • Too many games to count, mostly shooters and mmo's

offline experience

  • military background helps with my decision making, Marine Corps


K/D does not reflect my skill and passion for warzone. Im currently sitting at a 1.58 but have mostly played casually with close friends that aren't too great at the game. I am still somewhat "new" to warzone with only 950 games but my K/D has been skyrocketting ever since i took a more serious tone with warzone.

my strengths would have to be pushing and outplaying. i feel like im playing at my best level when im pushing a team and i have good support and call outs to back me up. i have very good situational awareness and general awareness. i am very good with rotations and positioning around the map.

my weakness would have to be that i get reckless sometimes when pushing and end up getting myself killed (which i have been working on lol), to combat this weakness would be to get into a good team with a true desire to win and a want to become better players and a better team. gamers that have other gamers' backs

also im pretty nasty with my kar, hit a 24 kill game today 8700+ dmg

if you have any other questions dont hesitate to ask


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