Call of Duty: Warzone


Jayden Montgomery | 18 years old

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My goal is to find a team rank up to the top with my team
Build a bond with my team I want everyone on top and just to be the best I can
Play to my best abilities and shine with my teammates

online experience

  • I've been playing COD for 1 and half year
  • I've been playing 1 person shooting games for 2 years
  • In general I've been playing games since I was 10.

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


My name is Jayden Montgomery you can call me Jay or Jay Jay I've been playing video games since I was young really young and I always had a passion for playing video games. I'm 16 and Im team player smart I use that to my advantage not toxic a real cool chill dude. Every game I play I never play sloppy or play around I take it seriously.
I live in Indianapolis and born raised in California
Ive been playing warzone for 1 and half year.
I've been playing MW Multiplayer for 8 months I'm pretty excited to start my journey I can't wait to see what has for me stored in the future hope I can be a good fit for the team family what you guys call your clan :)


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