Call of Duty: Warzone


Tarek | 21 years old

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I love to pursue certain goals and win no matter what. Just a competitive nature.

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To begin, My name is Tarek and I go by Meztak. I stream Warzone everyday and I've got a 3.15KD. I personally believe it should be higher but the way I used to play is the reason I feel that it's low.
I am a very competitive player, but I will never get mad or yell at a teammate during tournaments or serious games, because it hurts team morale.
I've played many games at a high level including CSGO, COD from MW2-MW 2019.
I know that the more time I put in the better ill be.
The way I see it is, not everyone has the potential to be really good at games, but personally I know no matter the game, I can be one of the best players.
All about the time you put in.
I'm a person who takes it seriously when my team is taking it seriously. If I were offered to be on a warzone team I'd give my all into it.
Here's just a little about myself.


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