Call of Duty: Warzone

RaVing LooNy

RaVingLooNy | N/A years old

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To become a pro eSports player in tournaments, and maybe live stream on the side

online experience

  • Call of duty
  • Halo
  • Gears of war
  • Console gaming
  • Pc gaming
  • 10 years experience

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


I started gaming at the age of 5 on the playstation 1, playing all different types of games like crash bandicoot and Tony hawk. It wasn't until the Xbox 360 came out that I started to play online games on gears of war and halo 3. Then it all changed when call of duty 4 came out that I really started to take gaming seriously and started competing in gamebattles tournaments and realised that Xbox and consoles was not the way forward, so I saved and saved my money to buy me a pc and then I started to play online tournaments on call of duty 5 and MW2 and black ops and MW3. I stopped playing call of duty when black ops 2 came out and moved away from all call of duty. I started to play the battlefield games and racking up masses amounts of play time on them, but couldn't find anything competitive with battlefield wich was very strange for me becuase I always took my gaming very seriously. So then player unknown battleground came out in game preview, so I started to play that battleroyale was very new at the time and very fun but also very competitive to get that chicken dinner. I finally found something that ticked all the boxes and it made me out thousands of hours into it, then Fortnite came out but wasn't a game for me and didn't enjoy it. Then respawn release apex legends, when I started to play this game it was tough the movement and mobility of the game really gave huge skill gap between player to player and I did a few tournaments in apex. Then they introduced apex ranked mode wich gave you points for winning and kills, I climbed the ranks to the highest rank of apex predator and done that for 3 seasons and call of duty released modern warfare warzone. This really took my attention and took me back to the days I used to play call of duty 4 but it was a battle royal. I have put thousands of hours into this and I got back into doing cash out tournaments again and this isn't enough I would love to join a pro eSports team and do it for a living.


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