Call of Duty: Warzone

Simple Jack

Nathan | 28 years old

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Gaming-wise - I love my hobby, I want to see how far I can take gaming while reasonably being able to stay in shape, be a good husband and eventual father, and work a job.

online experience

  • No experiences yet

offline experience

  • Project Manager - Building
  • Husband


What's up!

Grown-up on COD, and I really love the game. I am ultra-competitive and love Rebirth. Currently, I put in about 10-20 hours a week and I have been playing for about a year. Stats wise I am around a 2KD and have steadily improved from a 1.1 KD over the past year. Part of the improvement is probably a credit to the high kill gameplays I've had recently. Over the past two months, I've gone from never dropping anything over 18 kills to nabbing my first 20 kill game in Caldera and Rebirth at 24 & 26 in December. Since then, it is pretty common for me to drop 20+ games on rebirth, and I am looking to reach my first 30.

I have considered streaming/commiting more to the game, and I am intrigued with the idea of joining your organization. It seems like a good opportunity for me to experience gaming at a deeper level to see if I like it. I love the idea of getting better with a team, and it reminds me of my old football and basketball teams in highschool.


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