Call of Duty: Warzone


Zach Dale | 24 years old

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Compete in warzone prize tournaments eventually.

online experience

  • NERDSTREETGAMERS Warzone tournament winner

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


An everyday warzone player whose looking for a team to take the next step in his gaming experience. I play both vanguard and warzone everyday. Throughout the entirety of cold war I made sure to have every AR/SMG/LMG/Sniper/Shotgun fully maxed out so I could adjust to whatever the current meta is at that point in time. I've done the same in vanguard in preparation for the release of Warzone Pacific. I'm a player who prefers winning over high kill gameplay. I play circle position, and rely on precise circle rotations to consistently make it to end game. I play using consistent comms, I'm very communal because of my understanding of the way the map/circle rotations work, and want consistent updates from my teammates on the sitrep, we all need to be on the same page. The amount of multiplayer that I play very much improves my movement/gun fighting skills, and I consider myself to be pretty sweaty in those two aspects. I exclusively play Call of Duty, no other games, so I will be readily available to drop into verdansk and murder some clowns.


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