Counter-Strike 2

BG Remedy

Erik | 24 years old

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ELO : 10,000-14,999


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To eventually move on to the pro leagues with my original team I join, Gaming house in the feature, and more content produced from myself.

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My name is Erik, and or as everyone calls me in-game; Remedy. To start off I will tell you a bit about myself and my upbringing as a kid introduced into gaming. Back in 2009 is when I first received my very first gaming console, the brand new Xbox 360. I was introduced into games such as Modern Warfare 2 and quickly fell in love with the gaming scene as a whole. Moving on and growing up I always belonged to a group of kids at my school that were known throughout the gaming lovers to be in their own in a sense "Click" or at that time formally known as a small clan. I spent many hours playing fps an shooter games to where it eventually turned into an addiction. It got to the point that I was skipping school, not finishing homework, and going upwards of 7 days only coming out of my room for snack breaks, or piss breaks. Eventually my Mom and Dad had to put a stop to the person I was turning into, because at their age they only see the downsides of gaming all day, but cant see the future where a person could possibly make a living. I eventually transferred over to PC gaming as a result of my console times being so limited and used the excuse of "I have homework to do on the computer." My first PC was a 9 year old HP desktop, that could not even run the game Minecraft in the lowest settings. Eventually I turned 18 and my parents had a change of mind about my gaming, when I offered them to just come in and watch, and I'll show you I'm going somewhere. My parents saw somewhat of potential in me and at the age of 18 I was bought my very first gaming PC that I use to this day. I grinded and I grinded and I believe at the time I was going somewhere. I had small team agencies asking for me to come try out, but all that was hit by the shock of real life. Life wasnt slowing down and my career was moving slow, and the normal 4 hour job I was working, really wasn't working. So I made the executive decision to enlist into the Marines at 19. Lately its been hard to get back into it, but I feel like I am ready to follow through and not let go of this dream I have. All I ask for the team is to have somewhat of the same drive, and motivation I have.

I want to thank whomever took the time to read this lengthy "paragraph."

Erik / Remedy


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