Counter-Strike 2

CS:GO Competitive

Alex | 31 years old

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Hello, I'm 20 years old. I'm a perspective, well-organized player to challenge the top. I live in Saint-Petersburg, Russia. In my place are few good players and teams. I played a while with the good players in my city. But, eventually, we ended up with nothing. For now, I'm looking for a team, because I want to continue playing competitively and end up with at least one gold medal in the esports. So, I'm looking forward to kick some asses.

online experience

  • No experiences yet

offline experience

  • Local CS:S LANs


I can get into the english speaking team very easily.
I have a decent will to win.
Obviously, I have all the devices to compete.
I want to play online and attend LANs.
I want to be in a advanched very well-organized team to enjoy training with and progressing all the way together.
I had been playing source. ~3000 hours; And now i'm getting into GO.


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