Counter-Strike 2


Joshua | 24 years old

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Finally show everyone in my small home town that all these years of grinding and gaming will pay off. If you just try hard enough and set your goals Hugh!

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I play a lot of FPS games such as Valorant CSGO Apex Legends and some COD. I've been solo for quite a long time managed to make a little apex team and played in some ALGS prequalifiers and placed in the first 3 games before we got disqualified back in February. Haven't been able to organize another group and tournament in a while. My overall k/d is 1.3 on apex and my best seasonal k/d is 1.8. I don't have that high of a k/d on Valorant and CSGO mostly cause I don't have a consistent team. Just really looking for a team who is 18+ and hopefully can further my gaming career. Also stream on twitch haven't been live lately due to moving but will be back and day now! Please would be awesome to be considered for an Apex or CSGO team!


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