
Luke Rayner | 26 years old

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Initiator Ganker Carry Semi-Carry Pusher Support Jungler Nuker Disabler
minimum games
  • Tiny
  • Dragon Knight
  • Omniknight
  • Alchemist
  • Chaos Knight
  • Riki
  • Bounty Hunter
  • Ursa
  • Razor
  • Viper
  • Batrider


Player Player
Leader Leader
Webdesigner Webdesigner


Become a better team player and have a bit of fun at the same time. Since I haven’t played in any teams my ingame roles vary so I am happy to play anything to see if I like it. So I guess another ambition would be to find my ingame role.

online experience

  • No experiences yet

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


Hi guys,

I have been looking around for a team to play with for some time now. I am fed up of playing with Russians who just shout and flame you just because they are bad.

I am struggling to get anywhere because I tend to play solo quite a lot and struggle to rank up due to bad team mates.

I’m not saying I am the perfect player I just want to learn more from a team and have someone to play with.

Solo is completely different to a team there aren’t many strats involved everyone just plays there own game without helping one another.

You are limited to the hero’s you can play. For example it’s impossible to play batrider solo of your team don’t listen because you initiate but no one is there to back you.

I’d love to hear back from some teams I use discord to talk to people online and I have some mates if you are looking for more then one person.

I can’t play everyday either I mainly play on weekends and some weekdays after 5.


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