Kamey Hamey

Joel Camey | 28 years old

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minimum games
  • Earthshaker
  • Kunkka
  • Juggernaut
  • Shadow Shaman
  • Dazzle


Player Player


Playing and knowing the best of the best, risking it all for the one moment of victory or failure, but at the end of the day its ALL about the GAME

online experience

  • 3 year almost 4,000 games of Dota played

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


A description about me? Well, where do I start? I graduated high school years back in '13 and I couldn't get a job or seek a future through school because my dad had made stupid decisions that affected my life where I couldn't apply to university or even apply for a drivers license. So I would lay in my bed and think how I could possibly end my life in the least painful and quickest manner possible. Well, the furthest I ever got to ending my life is grabbing a screwdriver and almost stabbing my face in . I was going through a-lot at the time and I was miserable, with no objective in mind and no purpose for me to live nevertheless I found a little more strength in me and I kept breathing for a couple more days, I thought to myself. BEEP a friend from steam messaged me asking me how I was doing, so I kept the whole depressed part away from him and replied what every depressed teenager would respond. 'I'm okay" as he read my reply he responded with "you sure?" That is where it hit me I grabbed my face and teared up and explained to him that I had felt very miserable and almost decided to end my life, the skeleton was out the closet and my friend was in utter shock but yet took things very calmly and responded with love and spoke out to ,e also explaining that he had been going through things and he was on the same path couple years back. He told me his story and I was in complete disbelief to have almost ended my life due to circumstances that other people had gone though much worse. He inspired me and motivated me he taught me the battlefield of Dota, and of course I started to learn to play from controlling the courier, to orb attacking with vipers 1st and even the small little details of moving your mana based items to your backpack or dropping them in order to reach maximum efficiency on a shrine. Although the constant grind and hours of watching pro players play wasn't enough to give me a future, I had bills to pay so of course I had to learn how to find a job with a 2 year permit that I was granted here in the states. I went to school but yet everything that I did in the following year, I always ended up going right back to my first love, Dota . I grew tired of the constant pressure from my job, I grew bored of seeking a regular stable carrier as a engineer so what did I do? I quit my job and I followed a job in creating Youtube Videos and a full time Dota 2 player. I seek to raise my rank and to prove myself worthy of being on a team just so I could prove myself wrong that I had no purpose living in on Planet Earth. SCREW YOU SCREWDRIVER, I will show you how great I am.


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