pathematha mathematha

Kay Lee | 32 years old

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Initiator Ganker Carry Semi-Carry Pusher Support Nuker Disabler
minimum games
  • Invoker


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Strat caller Strat caller


Currently, probably I would love to attain even a top 10 in any minors.

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I'm Kayden and I am currently a senior year student at Columbia University, New York majoring in Financial Economics. I've played Dota since it **** competitively in the years of 2003-2006 and was able to attain 4th in WCG Singapore in 2004. During those years, I began playing supports role 4 and 5 and then rotated to semi-carries and mid (back then it was more of a role 3 and role 2). Carrying was not really thing as I preferred to be more engaged in the movement of the game and added more value with my active play-style. Following then I disbanded with my team to move on to school and the mandatory military service of Singapore. Since then I've been playing casually on and off and occasionally played some competitive games with some old friends - albeit not competitively.

Since beginning my college years at Columbia University, due to the heavy workload and time demands of career responsibilities, I was unable to compete again. However as I am nearing my years of graduation, I am keen to play with a team and see if I am able to relive my old but passionate hobby in Dota. Currently I play a lot of mid and I can play all heroes in the hero cache. If I was to highlight 3 main heroes (which is rather tough for anyone who has played Dota for this long) currently, I would say that I excel in Invoker, Meepo and Monkey King. Happy to accommodate and compromise with the team if deem fit.

Do drop me an email at **** and I will get back to you as soon as possible.


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