
Václav Stýblo | 31 years old

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Join a working and stable team. (doesnt neccessarily need to be a player myself)
Repeat what I once did with possibility of huge branding (something I didnt have back then).

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I would like to introduce myself this way as I believe it is the best way to describe the situation.

First of all, I started playing League of Legends in 2009 when there were 45champions in the game, and I got ranked Silver and i was like the most of the players at the time.
I slowly got higher and higher and eventually found a team where I gained a lot of experience. By that time, I hit Challenger rank on EUNE by myself on a support position (2012), in 2013 when the new season started, it took me 90 games to get back to Challenger by playing Janna only (soft reset and my very high mmr helped a lot).
I consider my biggest achievement being number 6#in Janna ranking, being in Challenger in the amount of games mentioned above, playing against some of top16 teams at the time.
In 2014 I stopped playing competitively and just played for fun, somewhere in 2014-2015 I eventually stopped playing completely and just focused on my real life career and played other games for fun (no competitive).
I found out that Iam not really good in other genres and eventualy gave Dota2 a try in January (precisely 24.1.2020).
As I am able to transfer almost all the skills from League of Legends, I found the game easy to learn.
I simply played 100hours to be able to play ranked games, got calibrated in crusader V, and in 170games I got up to Legend II.
Now Iam at point where I feel I can still offer the same level of gameplay as I could back then, which made me made this step.

If anyone is interested in my insights or would like me to be part of their time, give it a try. I can offer way more than actual gameplay, as I have experience from being a completely new player to a Challenger support player who was not able to play his mains on tournaments.

i have only one condition: Do not throw me in a bag with players in Legend rank who struggle to rank up. I am not stuck in legend, I just didnt play enough games to get higher yet. Ask yourself, where were you after 100hours + 170 rankeds games.


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