
Dominik Prive | 26 years old

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-Want to play Dota on a high competetiv level
-Watch a lot of streams to learn from the best
-The most of my gametime is inside scrims or Joindota
-Played in and vs very high teams
-A good friend of mine who played in one of the best german Teams coached me so I know how to play my role
-Played mostly (80%) of the time my main role to make sure I can play this role! Carry!
-A big hero pool, and knowing a lot about strats
-dont flame and dont rage, flaming dont makes your mates better, talking nicely about the problem might help

-Had to do a pause but im back and motivated
-I dont know why this bothers people but I have splitted accountPros:
-Want to play Dota on a high competitive level

-Watch a lot of streams to learn from the best

-The most of my game time is inside scrims or Joindota

-Played in and vs very high teams

-A good friend of mine who played in one of the best German Teams coached me so I know how to play my role

-Played mostly (80%) of the time my main role to make sure I can play this role! Carry!

-A big hero pool, and knowing a lot about strats

-I don't flame and don't rage, flaming don't makes your mates better, talking nicely about the problem might help


-Had to do a pause but im back and motivated

-I don't know why this bothers people but I have splitted accounts (one for my main dota, one account where I have a lot of steam games and one where I smurf with my friends who can't play dota) Every account is around 4k+ mmr.s (one for my main dota, one account where I have a lot of steam games and one where I smurf with my friends who cant play dota) Every account is around 4k+ mmr.

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  • No experiences yet

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  • No experiences yet


Hey guys, I hope my Ambition section is saying enough, I think I could help a team which is trying to get competitive much or I could learn more from a good competitive team.

I would like to have some test games if you are interested then you might see my full game skill. (The test games should not be just with one of your team mates, I don't want to end up playing carry with one random on my lane)

If you have questions or something like that just contact me.


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