Dragon Ball FighterZ


Asa | 29 years old

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To improve and compete, and to help others improve with me

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Fighterz is a game thats near and dear to me. I started playing on launch, but this is the game that helped me fully understand how to properly play fighting games. That knowledge has helped me fully immerse myself in the fgc, letting me branch out to other titles like Guilty Gear, Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat with a new understanding of the mechanics. Its difficult to put into words how much this game helped me grow as a player.

Over the years I've gone through different team combinations, but the one I consider my main is Vegito/18/Sbroly. While having a good variety of secondary characters to play like Jiren, Videl, UI or Zbroly, I also have a solid understanding of the entire cast.

I'll admit I haven't played as much Fighterz of late, but my love of the game never left. The latest patch seems like the perfect time to jump back in and aim to get better and compete, and I'm hoping to find a team to help me do just that.


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