
AllGamingX YT

agx | N/A years old

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Strat caller Strat caller
Other Other


To join a professional team who compete in events and are active through social media etc.
I would obviously want to become better at the game and a org would help me do that.

online experience

  • Scrims

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


Hey There,

I am Adam and am looking to represent a Organisation as a Player, Strat Caller and/or a Contract ****:
As a player, I offer a wide range of play styles in Fortnite as I play often and well.
I have played 23 Scrim Games and have won 10 and play passive until the end game where I start playing more aggressively and pick up kills.
Strat Caller:
For the ORG I currently represent, I always come up with new playing styles, Strats and, new places to land.
I spend lots of time looking up the latest starts for the current time. Some of the Strats I have come up with use the boom bow as a assault rifle etc.
Contract Creator:
In the contracts I make for my current ORG are professional and are fair for both parties involved. The Spilts and etc can be discussed for individual players.


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