

Jacob | 21 years old

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My ambition is to become a part of a dedicated NA-EAST e-sports organization that supports Fortnite.

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Admittedly, I was quite late to the Fortnite craze. I had heard the echoes of a new player versus player ‘Battle Royale’ game but didn’t truly turn my attention to Fortnite until Twitch did as well. With the meteoric rise of notable streamers on many different platforms, it seemed impossible to get away from the Fortnite vogue: it would be in fashion, and in fashion for a long time. Due to this reality, instead of hiding in games where I was more familiar, such as favorites like Counter-Strike: Global Offensive or Overwatch, I decided to embrace the Fortnite trend. I began playing routinely in November of 2017. I began on my old (but beloved) Xbox One. Though Epic Games had a long way to go to make it into the product it is today, I am glad to say I saw some major potential in it. During a time of ‘Battle Royale’ games popping up left and right, it seemed that Fortnite knew its identity: a comedic, skill-based, builder and shooter that challenges conventional gaming characteristics. It knew what it was, even early in its development. I knew I had to try it, and attempt to become **** January, I finally raised enough money to get a gaming desktop. I, for the first time, had top-of-the-line gear— I was sure I could play Counter-Strike, Overwatch, and more importantly, Fortnite, like the professionals. I was wrong. Sure, I had higher FPS and little to no latency problems, but I had one oversight: practice. Without practice, you cannot get better at anything; nevermind a popular multiplayer game where professionals and notable players are always practicing. If you’re not willing to get ahead of the curve in a game like Fortnite, you can never expect to get better. I took to my desktop, and I practiced. I would get in at least six to eight games a night, and I would practice. I would land at hot-spots such as Tilted Towers or (now) Paradise Palms, and I would practice. I would get frustrated. I would die easily. But at least I had practice. I practiced getting better by forcing myself to play with the best players in each of my lobbies, and that has made a crucial difference.
I cannot say I am the best. But I can say I am certainly a patient and ambitious individual who is yearning to become better at a passion of mine: gaming. Through practice and “squad-ing up” with players that are better than me, I have learned that putting yourself out of your comfort zone can make a significant difference in making you a better player. I am thoroughly passionate about what I do and what I am passionate about I do to the best of my abilities. My passion is more than “just a craze”; it is my craze.


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