
Chez Monster

Matthew Gilliam | 32 years old

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Succeed at everything I do, and have the strength and patience to keep working until I Succeed.

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Name is Matthew Gilliam, 26 years old. I live in Southern Ohio and have been a serious gamer my entire life. In Halo 2 I was ranked in the top .5% online, WoW arena was consistently 2400+ and missed gladiator by 4 points two different seasons. I have been a Master in Overwatch. I've played thousands of hours of Dota 2 and original Dota, along with LoL, Path of Exile (hardcore only) and countless other games. Other than Halo 2 my friends and I always end up playing at a semi-pro level, and either switched games or life interfered with making a push for pro. Some games we even just knew wasn't the right fit for us even if we were becoming elite players.

My team and I feel very comfortable with Fortnite (PC) however, we synergize great with the play style, and feel this would be a game worth pushing for pro in. I just started very end of season 3 of Fortnite. My overall K/D is 2.5 and climbing fast, but my squad win percentage is over 30% with close to 100 wins and often times we a queing up as a 3 man team. K/D is over 3 and we are often winning 10+ games a night sometime even in a row. I have by far the worst stats out of the 3 of us due to them having started playing much earlier than myself, and its hard to get high kill games when your teammates kill whole squads if they get there first.

I make this more as a team resume than a personal one. As I would much rather see us as a team get picked up than us get split up by different teams. Both of their K/D's are over 5, win percentages are between 25% - 50% in most modes, and are mechanically very close to pro level.

I am a jet engine mechanic currently so I place high value on my job, and without a decent paid sponsorship I will always have to play Fortnite around my work schedule. I am willing to consider making Fortnite a full time job for the right opportunity and if not will always do everything I can to practice and play in competitions and support my team as we push to break into the Pro Fortnite Scene.


Chez Monster (me)



Thank you for taking the time to read this and if you have any questions or inquiries about us please send a message on here or you may add me in game.


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