

Dim | 26 years old

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Strat caller Strat caller
Movie maker Movie maker
Squad Squad
Leader Leader
LAN Player LAN Player
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Destroying everyone on LANs and tournaments.

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Hi there.
I'm a 20 years old guy
I'm looking for a competitive and active team or partner. (since my friends are not playing anymore) I plan on going pro or at the very least semi professional. Currently not working/studying so a lot of free time.
I used to play at the highest levels in the games I'm coming from.
I've been leading a lot of people from any ages, any countries, always had excellent results to say the least, and that for about 5-6 years+.
I'm extremely adaptable, I can play anything, I learn really fast, always seeking to improve in any ways.

I've been playing quite a few scrims during the season 3 and won almost all of them with my teammates, we could have reached the LANs, but for several reasons we had to stop mostly for exams etc.
I've reached LEGEND TRN rating in every seasons and always pretty close to TOP 500, but too lazy to keep playing to reach that rank, that wasn't my goal.

Main strength : Surgical accuracy & pretty fast reaction time.
Main weakness : Way too aggressive, can sometimes become a no brainer lmao.

Languages: French, English. (Although I'd rather stick to English)


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