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Sheikh Karim | 21 years old

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To become an amazing professional player and earn money to aid my family. I hope to start a gaming career and gain lots of fans and teach them them why gaming is such a fun and exciting career.

online experience

  • Competed in one tournament. Came in the top 5 percent but could have done a lot better with better equipment.

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


Hi, I am a hard working individual and I really want to join an org so I can display my full potential. I love the game and am willing to put the maximum effort needed to achieve my goals. At the moment, I have not competed in a proper tournament as my PC is not great. I cannot play in game due to the amount of stutters and the textures are at the lowest with lowest 3D resolution. However, I can play creative and have honed most of my skills in that game mode. I hope I will be given a chance to prosper and be able to help my family out. Thank you.


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