
Go Supernova

Ethan | 19 years old

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Strat caller Strat caller
Squad Squad


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I'm a 15 year old aspiring (paid) mixer streamer who's looking into e-sports and joining a team!
I mostly play Halo and Titanfall. I've got lots of experience in both games, considering I've played them most of my life. I'm also currently into Fortnite.

In halo, I call strats, play power lots of the time (especially snipes), great aim, and knows when to be aggressive. I also consistently place platinum and diamond ranks.

In Fortnite, I have a good game sense, great aim (at least on PC), and a good squad leader. I'm an agressive player during beggining and mid game, but conservative and smart in the late game. My loadout usually consists of a sniper (of course), a pump and an SMG, and either a rifle with heals or a bandage bazooka to play a support role. My building and editing is great, but I do need to work on box fighting, which we can fix easily.


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