

James Krause | 32 years old

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Player Player
Strat caller Strat caller
Movie maker Movie maker
Squad Squad
Leader Leader
Staff Staff
Webdesigner Webdesigner
Editor Editor


Compete in Professional Tournaments.
Play For Money.
Create Websites & Designs For Pro Teams.

online experience

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offline experience

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I am looking for a team to compete competitively and grow my experience in the fortnite gaming culture. I currently am a streamer on twitch that streams fortnite. I've been playing fortnite since season 3 on xbox and just recently made the switch to PC. I play well with others and love to work together to take wins. Team work always makes the dream work.

A little background on me... I used to play counter strike source on a competitive level competing in the CAL-open & CAL-Intermediate divisions. Was an avid PC player from 2007-2010 then make the switch to xbox in 2011. I just recently made the switch back to PC which is my preferred gaming system. I also went to Full Sail University for a bachelors in Digital Art & Design. My skills set include Graphic Design, Video Editing, Motion Graphics, & Web Design. I am currently employed as a web designer for a local web design & marketing company here in Washington.

Program Proficiencies:

Adobe Creative Cloud
- Photoshop
- Illustrator
- Indesign
- Muse
- Premier
- After Affects

3Ds Max

Final Cut Pro


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