

Jesus | 22 years old

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I have a pretty strong ambition to start my own gaming team and get to know more people. But my overall desire is to see myself along with my **** and become the best that we can. I would also like to participate in an MLG Tournament one day. I wish for my team to be the next big professional gaming team that doesn't just play Fortnite. It plays Super Smash Bros, Call of Duty, CSGO, Overwatch and many others.

online experience

  • Fortnite, Call of Duty, Battlefield

offline experience

  • No experiences yet



My name is Jesus Duran or you can call me JNCHRIKI (pronounced Jin-chu-riki). I'm a 16 year old that likes to game and sometimes play competitively. I consider myself lazy, like really lazy. But when it comes to gaming, my mindset can get serious. I have been playing video games since the age of 8, starting with a Gameboy Advance SP, PSP and a Sega Game Gear to a PS3 and XBOX ONE. My gaming experience has been enjoyable and now I just want to take it a little step further, joining a team. I would also like to create my own team, but first it is important to meet new people and get an initial experience of what it's like to be in a team. Currently I am playing Fortnite, I try to play as much as I can but I do work so I do lack a little bit in consistency. I have been playing Fortnite for more than a year now. I would say I am an average player, I can build decently fast, although when the build battle starts to get harder I get way too much adrenaline and that can cause me to lose. I know I can fix **** of my strengths are sniping, being a decent builder, and I would consider myself good at long range battles. A few things I could work on are my close range battles, staying calm and collected, and definitely improving on my building. I would also consider communication one of my weaknesses. Since I mostly play solo, I’m not the **** if I were able to join a gaming team, this problem would surely improve. Overall I have many weakness but I have more strengths that could help with getting into a competitive Fortnite team. I hope to get recruited into a team and truly begin my gaming journey.



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