

abd elkader naoui | 18 years old

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Creating a visually stunning and memorable brand: One of the primary ambitions of a graphic designer joining an esports team is to help create a unique and recognizable brand that stands out in the competitive esports industry.

Enhancing the fan experience: A graphic designer joining an esports team may also have the ambition to create designs that enhance the fan experience, such as designing engaging social media graphics, team merchandise, or event graphics.

Improving team communication: A graphic designer may have the ambition to improve team communication by designing clear and visually appealing graphics for internal use, such as presentations or reports.

Collaborating with other creatives: Working with other creative professionals, such as photographers, videographers, and content creators, can be an ambition for a graphic designer joining an esports team, as collaboration can lead to unique and innovative designs.

Advancing their skills and knowledge: Joining an esports team can provide a graphic designer with the opportunity to advance their skills and knowledge in the industry, whether through working on high-profile projects, attending industry events, or learning from experienced professionals.

online experience

  • Photoshop
  • Illustrator

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


Hello, and welcome to my profile! I am a skilled and experienced esports graphic designer with a passion for creating visually stunning designs that help teams, brands, and events stand out in the competitive world of esports.

My design process begins with a thorough understanding of the clan vision and goals. From there, I use my skills in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, To create designs that are both creative and effective. I am always open to feedback, as I believe that communication is key to creating a successful project.

I understand the importance of meeting deadlines and delivering high-quality work on time, and I strive to exceed my clients' expectations with each project. If you're looking for a professional and reliable esports graphic designer, look no further! Let's work together to create something amazing.


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