

Ruari | 17 years old

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Elevate Competitive Standing: Strive to consistently improve in Fortnite, participating in high-profile tournaments to showcase skill and secure a position among the top players in the competitive scene.

Expand Content Creation: Continue growing the TikTok and YouTube audience by creating engaging and unique content centered around Fortnite. Aim to diversify content to attract a broader audience while maintaining authenticity.

Build a Strong Streaming Presence: Acquire and set up streaming equipment to launch a dedicated streaming channel. Regularly stream Fortnite gameplay, interact with viewers, and cultivate a supportive community.

Attend Esports Events: Plan to attend major esports events, not only as a competitor but also as a content creator. This will enhance visibility and provide opportunities for networking within the esports industry.

online experience

  • Played Cash Cups and other tournaments
  • Played custom scrims with pro players and FNCS winners

offline experience

  • No experiences yet


As a dedicated Fortnite competitor, I bring a passion for the game and a drive for continuous improvement to any esports team. With a growing presence in the competitive scene and a solid foundation in content creation, boasting 29k followers on TikTok and 1.5k subscribers on YouTube, I offer a unique blend of skill and audience engagement. Currently gearing up to launch my streaming career, I'm committed to honing my skills both in-game and in content creation, making me a valuable asset to any esports organization seeking a versatile and driven player.


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