
Mallhew LovesGod

Mallhew | 17 years old

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I have a strong desire to join a team and become a professional Fortnite player. As time flies, I also seek to place higher in Cash Cups and tournaments of future competitive Fortnite. Joining a team would be very appreciative due to the matter of fact that I would have teammates who are on my side and support me and that's what it is all about. It's all about loving each other as a team and I hope I could join a team!

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Hello, my name is Matthew but I'm known as Mallhew. I love to play many games but my main is Fortnite. Every single day I play 5 hours+ to improve my in-game performance. But it is not that easy to be a fortnite player. A Fortnite player requires to be smart, use the latest tips in the current meta, and VOD reviewing. I've been placing top 200 in Cash cups but I won't bog down, I still Vod review to see what I've done wrong and try to avoid it in my future games. I constantly watch pro player games like UnknownArmy, Clix, Scoped, Zayt, Saf, and even more pros. I would and still go into replays and VOD review those pro players' games. I would think about what those pro players would do in their games which I could implement into my own gameplay. I'm young but I believe in myself and I know it's going to be a long journey but I'm one of those players who would never quit.


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