
mehz boxed azify

Aayan | 15 years old

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Strat caller Strat caller
Squad Squad
Leader Leader
Editor Editor


To become a Fortnite pro.

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Key Achievements:

Secured multiple top-tier placements in prestigious Fortnite tournaments, showcasing consistent high-performance capabilities.
Championed in State and Regional Fortnite Tournaments (LAN), exemplifying the ability to thrive under pressure and against the best competition.
Garnered recognition for superior tactical decision-making, demonstrated by adapting to various in-game situations and outsmarting opponents.

Exceptional aiming accuracy, quick reflexes, and proficiency in in-game mechanics.
Expertise in building, editing, and navigating the intricate dynamics of Fortnite's map.
Adept at analyzing gameplay data to identify strengths and areas for improvement.
Proficient in forming effective strategies to outmaneuver opponents and secure victory.
Outstanding teamwork and communication skills in competitive squad-based play.

Professional Experience:

Collaborated closely with teammates to devise strategies, ensuring effective coordination and communication during matches.
Participated in community engagement through streams, tutorials, and social media, contributing to a positive and influential online presence.

Dedication: A relentless commitment to personal growth and improvement, dedicating countless hours to practice and refining skills.
Adaptability: Proficient in quickly adapting to new in-game updates, strategies, and metas.
Sportsmanship: Respected for maintaining a positive and respectful demeanor in both victory and defeat, contributing to a healthy gaming community.


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