

James | 30 years old

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I’d like to stream professionally for the rest of my life
I wanna be a better competitive gamer

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I’m 24. I’ve been an Affiliate for Twitch for the past year, but I’ve been a gamer my whole life. The very first game I ever played was Super Mario World on the Super Nintendo. Followed that up with Sonic the Hedgehog on Sega. Eventually moving on to Spyro on the PS1. And of course, I threw down on Donkey Kong 64, Super Mario 64, and Goldeneye 007, but PS2 is when I really enjoyed gaming. God of War, Kingdom Hearts, Grand Theft Auto, Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2, and so on. Such a good era for gaming. I went through so many PS2 consoles during that period of my life. Some wouldn’t play games, some just ended up broke. When I turned 13, I got really deep into World of Warcraft and I still love it to this day. For my 15th birthday, my cousin gifted me his old Xbox with a handful of games. Among them was Halo: Combat Evolved. A game that changed how I felt about shooters forever. I don’t care what anyone says, COD will never be better than Halo. Halo is immersive and exciting and fun. COD is good, but Halo is Fantastic. When Halo 4 came out, my mother bought me the limited edition bundle for my birthday. Soon after is when I started to REALLY dabble in online play. My wife even played online with me before we got married. But time took its toll on my 360 and it’s relatively unplayable now, so a few years ago, we broke down and bought the BO3 PS4 Bundle. It’s been one new experience after another since.

I started playing Fortnite during Season 2 and I’ve been playing ever since. It’s not the easiest game to master and I got a slow start, but when it’s good, it’s great. I also dabble a bit in Overwatch, but I wouldn’t say I’m very **** is a list of all the gaming devices I've ever played on:

- Super Nintendo
- Nintendo 64
- Gameboy
- Gameboy Color
- Gameboy Advance
- Nintendo 3DS
- Sega Genesis
- PlayStation
- PlayStation 2
- PlayStation 4
- Xbox
- Xbox 360
- PC


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