
Pack Smoker

Franklien Esperance | 19 years old

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Hi, I'm looking for a team that would recruit me. I'm good at a lot of games and very entertaining to watch and a fun person. I am always online paying games. It doesn't have to be specifically fortnite, it can be any other game. The truth is my dream it to be a famous gamer and have a lot of fans and friends that support me. Even though I tell my parents I want to become a gamer, they say its never gonna happen. I kind of believe them. i tried making every single social media platform to grow my youtube channel but it doesn't work out. I have 34 subscribers and i've been on youtube for 2 years. I've streamed and made many montages and nothing seems to help. All i ask is a little boost to my career to prove to anyone the anything is possible. I can get $10 a week and I'd be satified. Thank you for reading this and please consider giving me a chance.


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