

Paul Butler | 18 years old

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Fortnite World Cup 2021 competitor, start streaming, make friends with an admirable streamer (sypherPK), find a nice close knit community to play with. My absolute dream would be esports as my professional job.

online experience

  • Played video games all my life- list goes on forever

offline experience

  • Not sure what to put here.


HI! My name is Paul. I have been playing Fortnite since season 2. I would very much like to join a team for that sense of “togetherness” as in I can hop online and get in a call and just chill. I also want to stream at some point if I do get accepted. I don’t grind now, but have in the past, and if needed to join your team, I will start to grind again. I’m willing to be picked up by any team, big or small, as long as we can actually play often. I do not care about money at all (as some people do) unless we need to travel to play in tournaments. In the future I see myself on a decent team and making a bunch of friends. I am thinking about Fortnite World Cup 2021 already and hope to play in it ?. I hope we can work something out and I would LOVE to join a team!!! Thanks!


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